Defining Love


Defining Love: Love Endures ALL

Defining love has many different answers. I believe it’s human nature to complicate what love is and how to really love someone, but it’s really not complicated. People make it complicated. Real determined love can change someone’s life. Lovey dovey love can’t do anything at all. Scripture says love endures ALL. Lovey dovey is only there for the good times. Real determined love keeps going after the heart no matter how difficult someone is. Lovey dovey fades quickly, but real determined love is there for the long haul. Real determined love is motivation by the deep love that God has for us. There’s a difference between lovey dovey and real determined love. When we choose to love, real determined love, even to a difficult person.
I discovered true love when I chose to forgive a murderer. I discovered true love when I chose to love an unlovable being. I discovered God’s true love when I began to love myself even in all the mistakes I made (including current ones). God’s love is not lovey dovey. God’s love is real and determined. I discovered God’s true love when I listened to hard circumstances. I discovered God’s love even when I didn’t want to listen or talk to someone. I discovered God’s real determined love in all the valleys, not the mountain tops.
I want to love Judas how Jesus did. Judas still sat at the table. I can never be mad at the Judas’ anymore. I’ve been that Judas before. His betrayal led to my deliverance. Real determined love is found in how we deal with the Judas’ in our life. The betrayal led to my salvation. How could I not forgive the actions of Judas then? His actions made the way for me to go to the Father. I want to love even Judas because I know what it’s like to be him. I want to love the Saul/Paul because I know what it’s like to be him. I want to save a seat even for a Judas at the table, because Jesus still did that. I know this isn’t popular so i will get a lot of hate and disagreements for it but I don’t care. I’ve seen the true love of God, more and more every day so it makes it easy to love a difficult person. I’m not worthy of love but He still loves me. That’s real determined love. Real determined love does not give up, no matter what.

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