Love Prevails


Love conquers. Love endures all. Love triumphs over trials. True love motivates. When we truly know love, we can give it away. We cannot give what we do not have. I believe many people do not give out love in the world today because they don’t know what love really is. True love has been diminished over society through the years.

According to scripture, love endures all, but many people give up way too quickly. I’m grateful for the love of God. He had many chances to give up on all of us, but He never did and never will. It’s us who gives up on Him.

Jesus is the beginning and the last. He could have given up right in Genesis, but love endures all. He endured ALL the craziness and chaos of the broken world to get His people back to His kingdom. He is the end. Love knows the beginning and love knows the ending. When we know the beginning and the end, the middle has nothing to fear. Perfect love casts out fear and He is that Perfect Love. Knowing Him is that Love.

It still amazes me today that the Creator of the universe loves me and enjoys spending time with me. It’s been encouraging how much He went through since the creation of the world and the brokenness since Adam, He still endured so much just to spend time with me. That kind of love is encouraging. That kind of love makes it easy to get up out of bed every day. That kind of love makes me only want to read His Word more and more and other books less and less. His love makes me want to forsake things that I made idols in and run to Him more. His love empowers me. His grace empowers me to overcome. His love empowers me to stand up against the devil. His love made me to be His Daughter.

I love being surrounded in this love more. The true love of God just keeps getting bigger and deeper. The more I read His Word, the more I just don’t know. His love is too big that gets me back more each time.

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