Importance of Family


I never knew what a true family was or all about. I grew up believing that it was normal for families to fight and argue, where communication doesn’t really exist.

When I got born again and began my walk with Jesus, even though I’m not sure if it was a true walk with Him, but more of religious duty instead of side-by-side relationship, the Family of God made it difficult as well. I loved God and being a part of His Family even when it seemed like I was the only one. I loved my new Brothers and Sisters in Christ SOO much! Even though I didn’t know what love really was then either. I helped my new family, but no one wanted to be there for me, for years.

I began asking God, after a long time with many tears, why does family hurt each other? Is it supposed to be this way with all kinds of families? All I’ve ever known with a family were tears, and that was unfortunately true with the Family of Christ too. I couldn’t imagine how much that grieved God especially. If I was often grieving over His own people, I couldn’t imagine His heart and intention with it too.

Eventually, I learned that it was not His intention for families to tear each other apart. Families are intended to build each other up, especially God’s Family. The goal is to be more like Jesus, but I rarely found true community with His Church. I did, however, find community with the world. I thought that was odd.

I believe there is a remnant in every generation. When I did experience a good and true community filled with the heart of God, I finally believed that I was a part of God’s Family. God’s intention of families goes so deep, but so many are not living up to it unfortunately.

Family is everything. Family truly changes everything when experienced it the way that families should ought to be. Families reflect the heart of God. When fathers do what they are supposed to do, children are able to see God easier. Families are the first community for a child. How the family is could create how the child grows up to be in their communities around them.

When I truly discovered a loving community, the more I was able to love myself. The less rejection had a stronghold upon me. I was able to walk away from the hurts more easily. I was able to forgive myself. I was able to be free.

Families need to be taken as a serious priority. The smartphone isn’t family. Families are the foundation of everything else that happens. When the family is good and right, then the rest can follow. God cares for families – we should do. His intention for families are greater than we would ever imagine.

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