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The Forgotten Creation
When children do not have a stable home life, they would grow up with a shaky and unstable foundation in adulthood. Nobody can expect any adulthood would be perfect if the early foundation is broken. Most problems in adulthood today started out in childhood first. I rejected the adult me because rejection was all that I knew throughout my childhood. I didn’t know acceptance. I had to accept everyone else while forget about me. I had to help everyone else while forgetting that I had mattered. That same mindset grew into adulthood as well. I ended up ruining my life in adulthood because I felt like I had to make sure everyone else was taken care of while I had no clue how to take care of myself.
I’m saying this because foster children have it way worse than I did. They absolutely have no foundation at all and a lot of trauma attached. If we do that in these early years, then their adulthood would be screwed. Not many are talking about the full extent to this problem. Many are just praising foster and adoptive parents but haven’t awakened to the part that many foster and adoptive parents are horrible and potentially do worse than biological parents. Not all who foster and adopt are saints. They keep the kids from seeing their biological siblings as well. That part does not make any sense.
It broke my heart especially in 2020 when all hell broke loose and the earth closed down. Everyone focused on families and children. Not all of them. Not the ones who don’t have a good home. I felt like that I was the only one heartbroken over this. Absolutely NO one was talking about these people. I then realized they are the forgotten part of this country. Did anyone care? I don’t know, but I did. Foster kids and kids not yet in the system are not forgotten by me. They are not forgotten by God especially. They matter to me. They deserve love and support. They deserve a good foundation. Foster children are still God’s creation too. The Ultimate Artist had created these people too. We are all creations to an Artist that need to be seen the same as any other.
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